Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Art Of Coffee

One random day in November, I was lucky enough to shoot a fun idea, how the art of coffee is made.  The lovely Barista's at Rush Espresso, in the Ballantyne area of Charlotte,  showed off their amazing skills on a Saturday afternoon. Check out the skills of the flower, peacock and hearts on the top of the drinks.  Next time you take a sip of your coffee, take a look.  You might be lucky enough to find a piece art work.

It's 2014, Time To Start The New Year With Some Photos

Happy New Year! It has been way to long since I have touched this blog! With that I am starting 2014 with a challenge.  Over the past year, I have gotten the urge to "shoot" again.  Had to put down the camera to find my way back  Started with an engagement shoot in the spring, and my very first southern wedding at the beginning of the summer.  I had not shot a wedding in about 4 years and it was a beautiful way to get me back to doing what I love, photographing people and seeing their happiness through a camera lens.  

Over the past few months little projects and ideas started happening.  I was able to shoot my very first "Trash The Dress", a project I have been wanting to do for years! Add in some newborn baby, pets, Christmas, and boudoir, it has allowed me to find fun and creativity in my photographs again.

I am determined and have challenged myself to start publishing on this blog on a weekly basis.  I will be carrying my camera with me pretty much everywhere I go to get this challenge started.

Cheers & Happy New Year!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco de Mayo

Sitting in the airport in Charlotte celebrating Cinco de Mayo with a very yummy margarita!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter!

What would Easter be without the candy? Peanut butter cups can be an addiction...=)


Welcome to my blog! This blog will be used to show my photos and the stories that will tell. To start here are signs of spring taken in Charlotte, NC.